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How To Make The Most Benefit Of Your Bible Reading

by Adedeji , at 09:15 , has 0 comments

The bible is a priceless gift from our loving God. It contained many valuable messages and lessons that when applied in our daily lives, our lives will never remain the same. However, reading the bible, understanding it and applying what is being read may be a tedious task for some because they conclude that the bible is a mystery book which can never be understood by common men except the pastors and the likes. Therefore, below are few steps to follow in order to read the bible, enjoy it, extract the lessons therein and apply what you read in your life as well as using it to help others in your neighbourhood.

In order not to bore the reader with many information, I am going to make use of a few bible verses as an example. Before reading, pray to God to give you understanding and insight to what you wants to read, and after careful reading, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. What does this verse(s) tell me about God?

2. How can I apply this in my life?

3. How can I use this to help others?

Now, lets consider the bible book of Psalms 103:8-10. "Jehovah is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness. He will not always find fault nor will he stay resentful forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor has he repaid us what our errors deserve"

Question 1: what does these verses tell me about God?

These verses show that Jehovah God is a merciful, compassionate and forgiving father.
He shows loving kindness to all people by giving us rain and sunshine and other good things of life either we serve him or not. He doesn't always find faults in all we do because he knows that we are made of dust. He doesn't dealt with us according to our sins or repay us for what we deserve whenever we sinned against him, rather he encourages us to repent and turn a new leaf.

Question 2: how can I apply these in my life?

One thing is to read and understand, and another is to apply what you have read. Ephesians 5:1 urges us to become imitator of God as beloved children. These verses can help us to do just that because it's lessons are applicable in all facets of life. How? Your friend may offend you greatly because he/she is imperfect, do you imitate God and show mercy by forgiving your friend when the offender apologizes?. Do you partners or marriage mates always record your partner's offences in order to make references later? Do you husband always battered your wife at the slightest opportunity over a mistake? Or do you because a fellow worshipper has wronged you ceased to greet or communicate with.

Question 3: how can I use these verses to help others? 

After you have prayerfully considered the lessons you have learned from these verses and try to apply them in your personal life, then the happiness and joy you derived will prompt you to tell others about it. Share what you have read and benefitted with your workmates, friends and family members so that they too can make the most out of their bible reading.

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How To Make The Most Benefit Of Your Bible Reading
How To Make The Most Benefit Of Your Bible Reading - written by Adedeji , published at 09:15, categorized as NBForum . And has 0 comments
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