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Career As A Writer - Little Things That Go A Long Way In Selling Your Book

by Adedeji , at 17:21 , has 0 comments

Writing is a great way to let out your feelings and your thoughts about certain issues. Writing also can also be a fun way to while away time. When writing is done constructively, it can be a great tool to teach, enlighten and entertain people.

Being a writer is not an easy task. In fact, no job comes easy in this world. A good writer needs to go into intensive research in order to get their facts straight so as not to misinform or anger the readers.

If you are interested in going into writing and making it a job, then you have to ensure that your book has to be the type that your readers would love to read and greatly benefit from. For this you need to consider a couple of things:

1. You need to do your homework.
Research, research, research. That's one of the most important things you need to do. The more you read about the subject matter you want to write on, the easier it will be to write your book. This is because research constitutes the bulk of the work. Another thing is that you may never know when your book will be read by someone who knows a lot about the subject matter of your book. Remember, it is important to make yourself a credible writer. When you research well, then you'll write a great book. A great book will satisfy the readers and satisfied readers give you great reviews. Great reviews will then bring in more people to read your book and more readers will amount to increase in sales. It's a chain reaction, so don't underestimate the importance to research.

2. Be Simple
Simplicity can go a long way. There's no need to use big words. Just be simple. Let the information flow in a simple and coherent manner. Imagine your words flowing like water. There should be no obstructions, or in other words, the person reading should not have difficulty understanding you.

3. Carefully Edit
I used the word "carefully" because it takes a lot of patience and thorough reading to go through the whole manuscript, correct mistakes and tie up the lose ends. Watch out for grammatical errors, bad English and incorrect spellings. Believe me, it disrupts the flow of the reader. Remember, you have to satisfy the reader so that the reader will give you great reviews, and great reviews will bring you more readers and increased sales. If you don't have the patience to go through your work carefully, then employ the help of an editor.

4. Catch Your Reader's Attention
When you want to buy a book what do you do? In no particular order, you'd most likely do the following:
i) You check out the title:
The title is one of the things that can catch one's attention. The title should make someone curious and eager to find out what's inside. So take time to come up with a good title.
ii) Turn the book over to read the description at the back of the book:
A well-written description is an excellent tool in capturing and maintaining the one's curiosity. Let the description be simple and luring. Pet the reader's curiosity, increase it and the person will buy the book in no time.
iii) Have an attractive book cover:
This is a very important part of the book. Remember the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover"? When it comes to books, this particular rule does not hold. When it comes to book buying EVERYONE judges the book by it's cover. We are very visual. So when we see an attractive cover, we get moved to pick it up to have a closer look. A book cover must not only be attractive, it must be professional. So if you don't know much about graphic design, then please leave it to the experts. Don't jeopardize your book sales by designing or having a shabby book cover designed.

When you are writing, make sure you have the above points in mind so as to guarantee your book sales.
If you need someone to design your book covers, Indie Picasso is at your service. For more details send me an email to:

Take care and happy writing
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Career As A Writer - Little Things That Go A Long Way In Selling Your Book
Career As A Writer - Little Things That Go A Long Way In Selling Your Book - written by Adedeji , published at 17:21, categorized as NBForum . And has 0 comments
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