The Director General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police, Omair Al-Muhairi, said Al Shabia Police Station received information recently about a person who was “electrocuted” inside an electrical room surrounded by a gate and an iron fence.
The police boss said following the tip off, some officials who were deployed to the scene found charred body of the Asian thief surrounded by the cables he had wanted to steal.
Mr. Al-Muhairi said preliminary investigation revealed that the deceased was trying to steal electrical wiring from the power house, after removing the iron door lock at night in his attempt to cut the cables with tools that were found in his possession.
The police said it was in the process of cutting the cables that the thief mistakenly stepped on a naked high voltage wire which electrocuted him, killing him on the spot.
The police boss said further investigations showed that the deceased, 33, a Pakistani national, who used to work in a construction company, was identified simply as (S. B. Sh.”,).
The police said the tools he used to remove the doors and locks at the power house were found next to his badly burnt body, along with other tools usually used in similar theft attempts to cut electrical cables.
“The sad ending of the cable thief would serve as a warning to other individuals with similar evil intentions to refrain from such negative behaviors, abide by good morals and stay away from criminal actions that usually result in painful consequences,” Mr. Omair said.
He however, assured that investigations were still underway to reveal the circumstances and causes of the incident.